Luke can plan for his future again!

This all changed recently when BUSY At Work supported him into a role with Liberty Oil where he is now working secure permanent hours. Luke works the night shifts which are from 9pm to 7am but he says this doesn’t bother him because over the years working many casual roles, he has gotten used to sleeping when he needs to, whatever the time of the day.

“BUSY At Work treated me like a person, not just a box to be ticked. They were really different and actually invested in what was going on in my life. They also kept me informed of any support services I could access, they were great!

“Having money is good and the stress and anxiety has gone way down. Being on Centrelink payments is hard and everything is based on that fortnightly payment where many times I had to choose between paying rent and eating”.

Now that he has his finances back on track, Luke has written a business model and is saving some money to buy equipment that will allow him to do some online educational videos for the gaming industry, which is a passion of his.

“The support from Liam (his Employment Consultant) and the team at BUSY At Work has helped me to realise my self-worth and boost my confidence. It’s just great to have agency back in my life,” Luke further stated.

Paul Miles, Managing Director for BUSY At Work said, “Work empowers people and Luke puts it well when he says it gives agency back in his life. We’re really pleased that Luke can now plan his future and move forward with his goals”.









Luke (L) with Liam his Employment Consultant at BUSY At Work, can now make future plans thanks to finding secure employment.

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