Finding the answers to 4 common questions at Apprenticeship Central

The apprenticeship and traineeship process can seem complicated for employers who have never provided this kind of on-the-job training before. While there is lots of information regarding these programs, it can get a little confusing when there’s multiple organisations involved and various websites to visit.

Apprenticeship Central is designed to eliminate these difficulties by providing everything you need in one location. By registering with the site you can access a variety of resources and tools to facilitate the apprenticeship or traineeship process.

Here are four common questions employers ask about the process and where on Apprenticeship Central you can go to find the answers.

1. What qualifications are available?

The first step to finding an appropriate apprentice or trainee involves identifying the qualifications you’ll need from your new recruit. There are hundreds of nationally recognised accreditations, so the choice may seem overwhelming.

You can perform a quick search of available roles and qualifications at Apprenticeship Central to help you get started. Once you have an idea, you should contact your local Australian Apprenticeship Support Services Provider, such as BUSY At Work, to see where the closest registered training organisation is that provides the qualification you require.

2. How do I find applicants?

Apprenticeship Central is designed to help employers and prospective apprentices and trainees find the right opportunities. Companies and candidates can use the comprehensive search function to facilitate this process.

Applicants place their CVs on the site, which you can review to see whether or not the individual is suitable for your business. Alternatively, jobseekers who sign up can contact registered employers directly via email if they see position descriptions they like.

3. How do I advertise a position?

There are tools available at Apprenticeship Central to make advertising a vacancy as simple as possible. The Position Description Builder, for example, can assist you in creating a clear and concise overview to entice the best candidates.

Simply follow the step-by-step process at the site and you’ll quickly be up and running in your search for the ideal apprentice or trainee.

4. What can I expect from apprenticeships/traineeships?

Every apprenticeship and traineeship is different, so it’s difficult to predict what experience each employer will have. However, Apprenticeship Central has an extensive FAQs section where the most commonly asked questions are answered.

There are also tips on how to best manage apprentices and trainees to have a good chance of retaining them once they’ve earned their qualification.

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