Federal scheme to boost Australian employment levels

The federal government has announced it is undertaking consultations in a bid to boost job opportunities nationwide.

Kate Ellis, minister for employment participation, said the Commonwealth is committed to finding the ideal model for the future of job services in Australia – an initiative that aims to improve prospects for those looking for work.

“We want to make sure all Australians share the benefits [of] our strong economy and have the dignity and security of a job,” minister Ellis explained.

The minister went on to say that the project will build on the existing Job Services Australia (JSA) scheme, which has supported the creation of more than 800,000 positions since the Labor government came into power.

“We want to hear ideas on how we can build the ultimate employment services model that will take us into the future.”

JSA has already made significant improvements in the employment sector, by doubling the number of jobs secured annually by people with a disability and tripling employment for people from non-English speaking backgrounds.

It has also been instrumental in boosting the number of mature aged Australians in employment each year by more than double.

Training and employment schemes – such as mature age apprenticeships – can significantly improve an older person’s chances of gaining work.

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