Father and son team building a business together!


When his son Noah expressed interest in becoming a builder himself, helping out in the business during school holidays, Simon’s fatherly reaction was ‘finish year 12 first’. Which is what Noah did, during a very difficult 2020, he completed his QCE, and when he still expressed interest in becoming a builder Simon agreed to put him on as an apprentice in the business.

BUSY At Work, an Australian Apprenticeship Support Services provider supported the process by formally signing Noah into the apprenticeship where Noah will be completing his trade qualification in Building/Carpentry. He is now well on his way, working and learning in the business.

Noah’s father Simon stated, “I did my apprenticeship 25 years ago so the great thing about it is both Noah and my other apprentice, while they are doing their apprenticeship they are also teaching the rest of the crew as they come back from trade school with knowledge on new techniques, new materials etc. that are relevant today. They’re also digitally savvy and great at things like social media so they get involved in the business and feel part of the team.”

“The lifestyle of a builder is busy but we still get to do things like go for a surf after work. Seeing my son enjoy his work is important to me. You have to like what you do; we spend so much time in our jobs. I’m also really enjoying spending the extra time with him, seeing him grow and transfer from school into real life responsibilities, it’s great”, Simon further stated.

Noah has big plans too and hopes to one day put his skills to good use and be able to build his own home. “I’m enjoying the job, every day is different. I’d like to build myself a huge house one day and one day take the business over when dad retires”.

When asked what advice Simon would give to young apprentices entering the industry he said, “Always ask questions, if you don’t know just ask. We’re all doing the same job so if you are lacking in something or struggling, just ask – there’s always someone there who can show you how and that’s how you learn”.

Managing Director for BUSY At Work, Paul Miles stated, “The great thing about undertaking an apprenticeship is gaining that first-hand, on-the-job experience. The learning is not just from the classroom or from text books, you are gaining industry knowledge that employers want. It’s great to see family businesses like Blackmore Building Co, skill up the next generation for future business continuity and we wish Simon and Noah all the best!”

For more information on Blackmore Building Co visit https://www.blackmorebuildingco.com/

For more information on Australian Apprenticeship Support Services services provided by BUSY At Work visit www.busyatwork.com.au

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