Everything You Need To Know If You’re Hiring A School-Based Apprentice

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs) allow high school students (usually from years 10, 11 or 12) to combine school and training with a real job. This gives students the chance to begin their qualification early and gain a step-up within their selected area.

What are the benefits?

SATs can be beneficial for students who prefer a more hands-on approach to their learning as well as providing them with the necessary skills and pathways to establish a stable career. It allows students to gain valuable on-the-job, paid experience and kick start their career with a nationally recognised qualification.

There’s also a magnitude of benefits for employers taking on school-based apprentices or trainees. It’s a chance to recruit keen young staff before they leave high school and you can meet the current and future needs of your business.

As school-based apprentices and trainees work on a part time basis there is more flexibility surrounding hours of work and training and there is greater cost efficiency as you can spend less money on wages while still investing in your business.

Plus, employers that take on SATs may be eligible for certain government incentives and you can contact us at BUSY At Work to find out what funding you’re eligible for.

What apprenticeships are available?

Just like regular apprenticeship and traineeships, there’s over 600 qualifications to choose from so there’s sure to be a suitable option for your business and here at BUSY, we can help you find the qualification best suited to your business.

How long does it take?

The exact amount of time depends on the type of apprenticeship or traineeship, the industry and the qualification. SATs are completed on a part time basis and can take between 12 to 60 months to complete.

How do I hire a school-based apprentice or trainee?

The process surrounding hiring a school-based apprentice or trainee is much the same as taking on a regular trainee or apprentice. Once you’ve figured out what qualification is best suited for your business, you can advertise the position and find the perfect candidate. As school-based apprentices are still studying, their principal or school representative will also become involved in the process for training to commence.

BUSY can help you with all of the steps involved, from figuring out the right qualification, to finding a suitable candidate, completing the necessary paperwork, applying for government incentives and ensuring you’re on the right track.

If you’re based in QLD and interested in hiring an apprentice or trainee, or just want to find out some more information about how BUSY can help your business for free, call (13 28 79) or text 0421 268 884 .

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