Empowering Young People like Lana into Employment

Young girl at work answering phone

Getting a start into the workforce can be difficult, especially for young people who have left school early. With no experience, references or much to include on a resume, it can be hard to find a potential employer willing to give a young person a start. This was the case for Lana who came to BUSY At Work seeking support through the Australian government funded Transition to Work program. 

Lana’s Voice: The Challenge of Finding a Job

As Lana said herself, “Sometimes it can be really hard trying to find a job, especially when you don’t have much experience. That’s when I found BUSY At Work.”

BUSY At Work’s Transition to Work Program: Empowering Young Job Seekers

Emily, an Employment Consultant for BUSY At Work in their Transition to Work program, worked with Lana to assess her current skills level and prepare her for the workforce.

Emily said, “Transition to Work is a program that supports young people (aged 15 – 24) who have disengaged from mainstream education or employment. We prepare young people to gain employment by starting with where they’re at. We then identify what they want to do, link them up with employers, and provide ongoing assistance once they have successfully gained a placement.

Supporting Young People – From Assessment to Placement

“While it can seem overwhelming at first, we can help young people find a career journey that they’re passionate about. Through the program we made sure Lana was job ready with interview preparation, resumé writing and job searching. Once she was ready, we found her a job at B-Protected!”

A retail provider of protective workwear and equipment, B-Protected employed Lana in their customer service department.

Lana’s Success at B-Protected – A Testament to the Program

Lana’s manager at B-Protected, Sean O’Sullivan, said, “Lana has excelled in customer service, she’s got a great personality, she’s always on time, always asks questions, and works very hard.

Employer Perspective – The Value of Young Talent

“BUSY At Work always provide me with employees that work well with the business. They’ve been fantastic! I’d encourage other employers to give young people a go because they really add value to the business.”

Lana has a lot to look forward to now and is enjoying the role at B-Protected, having financial independence and gaining important career skills that will set her up for life. She said, “The Transition to Work program is great for anyone who’s left school early. When I got this job, it was amazing, I’m so happy!”

Watch Lana’s journey into employment through the Transition to Work program.


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