Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning – tailored solutions for your business.

Our Corporate and Employment Solutions team work with leading corporate organisations to develop strategic workforce plans and corporate community engagement strategies that are valuable for both the community and your business.

We work in partnership with large organisations to create tailored programs that are seen as best practice for a sustainable and productive workforce. We know that no business is the same, and we understand that service offerings need to be tailored to meet the needs of different business and industries.

Our corporate partners include leading gas company QGC Pty Ltd who have generated the Strengthening Local Workforces Program to attract 200 apprentices and trainees into careers outside the CSG industry. QGC wanted to make sure vital services remain strong in the areas in which the company operates and is investing in local skills development to help address the impact its projects have on local labour markets.

Workforce Development

BUSY At Work are specialists in providing workforce development solutions to support your organisation goals and strategy. We ensure that the support we provide is designed specifically for your business and its employees. Whether you require employment, apprenticeship services or vocational training and skills for your existing or new staff, we can assist.

Contact us today to discuss your workforce needs

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