CSG pipeline receives the green light

Queensland’s coal seam gas (CSG) industry continues to gain momentum, after the state government gave the green light to a $1 billion pipeline development today (March 25).

Announcing its approval, minister for environmental and heritage protection Andrew Powell said the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Arrow Energy Bowen Pipeline Project has been assessed and given the go-ahead.

“The department considered the EIS documentation, as well as public submissions, before deciding it was satisfied the environmental impacts of the pipeline would not be unacceptable,” Mr Powell commented.

As part of the development, a 580 kilometre high-pressure gas pipeline will be constructed to deliver CSG from Bowen Basin fields to a proposed Gladstone LNG plant, the minister said, adding that the buried pipe will travel through watercourses, wetlands, roads and private land.

The project, which may create opportunities for apprenticeships in Gladstone, is expected to inject millions of dollars into the state’s economy and create an estimated 700 new jobs.

Mr Powell went on to say that the pipeline will also require an Environmental Authority that will set out operational requirements to minimise its impact on the natural surroundings.

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