Changes to government funding of school-based apprenticeships and traineeships

The Queensland government has announced changes to the funding of school-based apprenticeships and traineeships. Under the State Government User Choice Program, funding is available towards the cost of training by a Registered Training Organisation

Currently all school-based apprenticeships and traineeships receive 100 per cent funding regardless of the priority of the qualification, but from July 1 2013 funding will be aligned to the priority level of the qualification.

– Priority One is 100 per cent subsidised for occupations deemed to be ‘critical priorities’ in the Queensland Skills Shortage List.

– Priority Two is 75 per cent subsidised for occupations that are not on the Queensland Skills Shortage List but considered as ‘high priorities’.

– Priority Three is 50 per cent subsidised for occupations not on the Queensland Skills Shortage List but considered as ‘medium priorities’.

Existing students in a program will not be disadvantaged by the changes, with their existing subsidy levels to be honoured by the Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE).

If the student is Indigenous, has a disability impairment or long term condition, or is from a non-English speaking background then they will be funded at 100 per cent when undertaking a Priority 2 or 3 qualification.

The changes will not impact student contribution fees and school-based apprentices and trainees will continue to be exempt from student contribution (tuition) fees.

The change of funding will provide an opportunity for successful school-based apprentices and trainees to enter a training pathway that will ‘provide greater opportunities’ for employment and sustainable job outcomes.

For information regarding priority ratings, please visit the State Government website and enter the name of the qualification to view funding details.

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