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Media Releases

BUSY helps Juan reconnect with the labour market and a career in hospitality

It’s been a whirlwind six months for Hotel Houseman Juan Concha since he first connected with BUSY At Work Project Coordinator/Mentor, Valerie Osburn.

During that time Juan’s confidence has grown in leaps and bounds to the point where he now has a part time job and is well on the way to completing his Certificate III in Hospitality.
Such is his remarkable progress Juan has now been nominated for the Queensland Training Awards 2017 Equity VET (Vocational Education and Training) Student of the Year Award. The award recognises people who have overcome significant barriers or disadvantage to effective participation in vocational education and training.

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BUSY helps Daniel find a new career helping others

In September last year Daniel Newell was at a low point in his life. With a wife and two children to support, the future was looking very uncertain with Daniel unable to secure regular work to make ends meet.

After connecting with Jason Meyer, BUSY At Work’s Job Placement Officer for Smithfield, Mareeba and Atherton, Daniel was able to turn his life around and is now working full time in a new career which is not only financially rewarding but one he is passionate about.

In the lead up to meeting Jason, Daniel had been unemployed for two years and in his own words he had become “very discouraged with what the universe had thrown at him.

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Warehouse Workers

Unemployment rate increases despite 13,500 more jobs being created

Seasonally adjusted figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today revealed a rise in the unemployment rate, from 5.7 per cent in November 2016 to 5.8 per cent this month.

It is not all negative news however as we saw the participation rate continue to climb, rising from 64.6 per cent last month to 64.7 per cent in January 2017.

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Lisa and Colin of Gladstone's Lee Crane Hire

Lisa thrives in new administration role with Lee Crane Hire

After more than 15 years working in the retail sector, Lisa Grossett is relishing the opportunity to learn new skills and apply herself to a new work role.

Lisa was recently signed up through BUSY At Work’s Gladstone office and is now working as an Administration Trainee with Lee Crane Hire in Gladstone.

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Joshua ready for new job

Hit the Road Program helps Joshua achieve his work goals

A recent graduate of the five week program which targets job seekers aged between 15 and 24, and Indigenous and disadvantaged job seekers, Joshua has proved to be an excellent student and his determination to succeed is now paying dividends.

Before entering the program Joshua had not been able to secure employment and despite not having been employed for over a year, nothing could hold him back.

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