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Community News

New job for Karen

One of the most important steps to find employment is to tailor your cover letter and resume towards the position you are applying for. Highlight the skills and experience that are transferable to the type of work you are seeking and avoid overloading your resume with every single position you’ve worked in. At the Busy Beat Pre-Employment Hub in Southport, our team is experienced in job search techniques and will often speak to people who are struggling to find employment. This can sometimes be because they are using the same resume for all positions they apply for.

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Secrets of a strong CV

A strong CV is one of the best tools in your arsenal when it comes to securing key jobs or apprenticeships in Queensland, so it is important not to let it go to waste.

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BUSY working with Gold Coast Project for Homeless Youth

Two local community organisations on the Gold Coast are working together to assist young people to re-engage into society. Busy Beat in Southport is supporting Gold Coast Project for Homeless Youth (GCPHY) participants to transition into the workforce or further education and training. The relationship between the two organisations is achieving a high success rate of engagement among the young people who have been referred.

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