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Community News

Agricultural boost for Murray-Darling Basin

Irrigators and communities are expected to benefit economically and environmentally from the signing of the ‘Intergovernmental Agreement on Implementing Water Reform in the Murray-Darling Basin’ along with an amended National Partnership Agreement.

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Road recovery on track

When natural disasters and extreme weather events cause damage to property, roads and infrastructure, it can take years to for a community to recover and repair itself.

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Connor Overcomes Adversity to Find Employment

Connor was in the 4th R U BUSY? course for 2013 and was determined to get employment as soon as he could. Connor faced many personal challenges whilst on the course including being homeless and living in crisis accommodation.

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Growth forecast in agriculture sector

Those seeking agriculture-based apprenticeships in Queensland may be interested to hear the government has supported plans to increase infrastructure projects to help encourage growth in the region’s farming industry.

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