Busy Beat helps John reconnect with the labour market

Former UK resident and community youth worker, John Mair has settled in well to his new part time role as a domestic violence facilitator at the Ipswich Women’s Centre Against Domestic Violence (IWCADV).

John runs a program called the “Men’s Perpetrator Program for the Probation and Patrol Board which aims to eliminate domestic and sexual violence against women.

Arriving in Australia last year John was looking for work in the Community Services sector. To improve his employment prospects John attended the Gold Coast Homeless Expo where he was assisted by a BUSY At Work Career Pathways Officer.

BUSY At Work Career Pathways Officers are based at The Busy Beat hubs in Southport and Ipswich. Opened in January 2013, the Southport hub is an enterprise to help socially excluded people re-engage with the labour market. As well as offering pre employment training, the hub helps local jobseekers prepare themselves for entry or re-entry into the workforce. Other services include assistance with resume writing, interview preparation, job search advice and a range of workshops to help people reach their full potential.

BUSY At Work Community Services Recruitment Officer, Janet Emerton said John first came into the hub to have his resume updated and to seek advice on community contacts.

“Although he was able to confidently write a resume we were able to assist him in writing ‘Expression of Interest’ letters suited to the type of work he was looking for. From there he landed five interviews and was successful in gaining part time employment with the IWCADV,” Janet said.

John said he was extremely grateful for the advice and support provided by the Busy Beat Southport hub.

“The support I received from Busy Beat was extremely beneficial in helping me acquire this position. I cannot praise the staff enough for their patience and knowledge. To quote my current boss, “You were able to provide us with perfect resume and supporting documents,” John said.

Prior to moving to Australia John had spent 24 years with the Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service in England. While working for the service, John was awarded one of Britain’s highest civilian awards, the Queens Gallantry Medal, for trying to save two young people from electrocution.

After leaving the Fire Brigade John went on to complete a degree in Community and Youth Work. He has the spent the past 15 years working not only with youth but also in roles dedicated to the abolition of all forms of violence against women and children.

A passionate advocate for equality, the 27 week program John runs at the IWCADV focuses on helping men taking responsibility for their actions and giving them the tools to proactively deal with relationship issues without resorting to domestic violence. John said he hoped his current role would be funded as a full time position in the future.

BUSY At Work, CEO Paul Miles said that John was just one of many local jobseekers who have been assisted by BUSY At Work’s Busy Beat hub at Southport and in Ipswich.

“Busy Beat is about empowering jobseekers with the skills, ability and confidence to embrace their own future, as well as providing employment opportunities and a transition into the workforce in a supportive environment.”

“We’re proud that this innovative ‘no cost’ service provided through our Busy Beat hubs has been embraced by jobseekers and local community organisations. We aim to continually adapt the service to meet the changing needs of the Ipswich and Gold Coast labour markets,” Mr Miles said.

For further information go to www.busyatwork.com.au

MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

0438 173 960 leanne.macnamara@busyatwork.com.au

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