BUSY At Work to provide career check-up for mature workers

The Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Luke Hartsuyker today announced a new pilot program to help mature workers plan the next stage of their careers.

BUSY At Work, one of three Australian Apprenticeship Support Services providers has been selected to deliver The Skills Checkpoint Pilot – for Older Workers in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Roma, Cairns, Perth and South-West WA.

The six month pilot programme will help mature workers aged 45 to 54 to take stock of their current skills and identify opportunities to gain new skills or employment.

The Minister said the Government is committed to helping mature aged workers to remain in the workforce for as long as they like.

“Often as people enter middle age they are thinking about changing jobs or industries but may not be sure about what they have to offer a new employer or what it will take to win a job.

“This is especially the case where people may have worked in the one job for a long time or where an industry is undergoing significant change.

“The Skills Checkpoint will provide mature workers with advice on how they can use their existing skills to gain new jobs or help them understand what skills and training may be required if they wish to change careers.”

CEO BUSY At Work, Mr Paul Miles said he was thrilled BUSY was selected to deliver the program.

“I am delighted BUSY has been selected to deliver this programme. Our partners Skill360 will join us and deliver the programme in Cairns and CoAct will service Perth and South-West WA.

“Our experienced team of Career and Pathway Advisors have already been successfully delivering the Australian Apprenticeship Support Services Gateway Services providing free skill analysis and career advisory services throughout Queensland and Western Australia.

“As part of the pilot programme we will extend these services tailored to employed individuals aged 45-54 and work to help the participants assess where they are in their careers and offer guidance if a change in career direction is needed or desired,” Mr Miles said.

The Skills Checkpoint Pilot has also been welcomed by Age Discrimination Commissioner, the Hon Susan Ryan AO.

“I have long advocated for the need for older workers to receive skills analysis and advice about growth sectors and what skills are required to secure jobs in their local area,” Commissioner Ryan said.

“If we are to have a strong and productive economy we need to be harnessing the skills and capabilities of people of all ages.

“Getting the right advice at the right time is critical to helping mature age workers plan for and achieve their work and career goals in later life.”

The Skills Checkpoint pilot is expected to deliver services to benefit around 2,000 employed people.

For more information contact our Career and Pathway Advisors on 13 28 79.

For more information on the Skills Checkpoint Pilot and for providers visit www.education.gov.au/skillscheckpointpilot


MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

0438 173 960 leanne.macnamara@busyatwork.com.au

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