BUSY At Work says farewell to Viv Mallinson

After 23 years of service at BUSY At Work, Vivienne Mallinson has made the decision to move on to pastures new. Ms Mallinson has recently become the permanent Executive Officer of the National Association of Australian Apprenticeships Centres and has now been announced as a Board Member of TAFE Queensland.

Ms Mallinson is well-known and highly regarded within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) industry. She became involved in training in the 1970s, working in the public sector in the UK and joined BUSY in 1991. Over the period she has held various roles in the organisation including CEO which she commenced in the early nineties and for the past 12 months has held the position of Executive Committee Member

Board chairman and Founder of BUSY At Work, Martin Punch OAM, thanked Vivienne for her years of dedication. “We wish Viv well with her new exciting career change.

“BUSY At Work and the employment and training sector are extremely grateful to Vivienne for her considerable efforts over the past 23 years. Under her leadership, BUSY established itself as a respected voice for the apprenticeships and employment sector,” stated Mr Punch.

Martin said since joining BUSY, Viv had been instrumental in leading many of BUSY’s major achievements including building BUSY’s Australian Apprenticeships Centre.

“Viv will step down from her role as Executive Committee Member and has resigned from her position as Secretary of the board.

“I know I speak for all staff and stakeholders when I say BUSY will sincerely miss Viv who has been a dedicated contributor of the organisation and we wish her well in what sounds like an exciting future,” Mr Punch said.



Leanne de Toerkenczy
Public Relations Coordinator
0438 173 960
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