Budget update 2011 – changes for Certificate II incentives

In the May edition of our newsletter we covered the 2011 Federal Budget announcement and in this newsletter we are further detailing an amendment to the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Program and outline how your business can benefit from taking on new trainees within nominated equity groups.

The change to the incentive scheme for Certificate II qualifications is in response to findings in the report by the Apprenticeships for the 21st Century Expert Panel. As Certificate II is accepted as a pathway to enter the workforce this amendment will increase the number of apprentices that are socially excluded from the workforce and continue to fill the National Skills Shortage.

As of 11 May 2011 the $1,250 commencement incentive and Group Training Organisation (GTO) completion payments of $1,000 for Certificate II qualifications no longer exist. Businesses who take on apprentices in nominated equity groups will continue to be eligible for incentive payments for this qualification. Existing apprentices and trainees who are outside of these equity groups who have achieved relevant milestones prior to 11 May 2011 will still attract incentives for their employer.

Employers and GTO’s who take on Certificate II trainees from the following equity groups will continue to qualify for these incentives. These groups include Indigenous Australians, Australian Apprentices with a disability, Australian School-based Apprentices, Mature aged Australian Apprentices aged over 45 years and Australian Apprentices working in a rural or remote area and Job Services Australia stream 4 clients.

If you’d like to find out more about this amendment visit Australian Apprenticeship website to download the fact sheet, or contact BUSY At Work on 13 BUSY (13 28 79)

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