BUSY to deliver Jobs and Skills Centre services in Broome

Jobs and Skills Centres are “one-stop shops” supporting individuals and businesses to build a skilled workforce. They operate as a State-wide network providing outreach services to business and the community.

Jobs and Skills Centres services are free and accessible to all members of the community.

The services include:

  • Providing access to quality career, training and employment advice.
  • Servicing a diverse range of clients including school leavers, job seekers, mature-aged career changers, migrants, Aboriginal job seekers, care leavers, employers and industry.

Jobs and Skills Centres Service Providers are required to liaise directly with emerging and established local industries and employer groups, facilitate training and assessment and provide employers, unions, apprentices and trainees with a single point of contact around their training and career needs.

Jobs and Skills Centres Service Providers will also be required to engage with schools and optimise collaboration with other organisations such as Jobactive providers, Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Australian Apprenticeship Support Services, Group Training Organisations, Registered Training Organisations, Local Content Advisors, Aboriginal groups and other key stakeholders.

BUSY At Work is looking forward to delivering these services in Broome to increase opportunities for skills, training and careeer pathways for community members.

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