Brisbane Airport set to provide 51,000 jobs by 2034

Development plans for Brisbane Airport have taken another step forward this week, bringing new opportunities for jobseekers in the region.

Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss has approved the Brisbane Airport Master Plan 2014, which outlines the transport hub’s strategic direction over the next two decades.

According to the federal government, ongoing infrastructure developments at the airport mean the facility will provide 51,000 people with jobs over the next 20 years.

Apprenticeships and traineeships in Brisbane across a range of sectors could benefit from the master plan’s approval, including construction, tourism, business services, retail and engineering.

Furthermore, the airport will add $8.2 billion to the state’s economy a year by 2034. Brisbane Airport and the organisations operating on and around the site contributed approximately $3.3 billion to Queensland’s coffers in 2012-13.

Mr Truss, who is also the minister for infrastructure and regional development, said a number of improvements are planned that will help the airport cope with added passenger numbers and aircraft manoeuvring.

“Brisbane Airport is one of Australia’s fastest growing passenger and freight airports and the developments outlined in the 2014 Master Plan will be key to easing congestion and increasing capacity,” he stated.

Airport master plan details

A number of infrastructure improvements are planned over the next 20 years, including construction of a new parallel runway, upgrading terminal facilities, and strengthening road and transport networks. The proposals also outline the development of a regional satellite facility.

The master plan claims the airport has a number of strategic benefits that make it ideal for upgrades. These include its proximity to major Asian ports and Queensland CBD, and the fact it has 1,000 hectares of surrounding space in which to expand.

“Brisbane Airport plays a significant role in Queensland’s economy, generating jobs, investment and tourism and the proposed infrastructure investments will provide benefits to the local, state, regional and national economies,” Mr Truss explained.

“The new parallel runway will be a key development for Brisbane and once completed in 2020 will support the same level of capacity as airports like Hong Kong and Singapore.”

However, the minister was quick to confirm the federal government is aware of the effect the airport’s expansion will have on surrounding communities.

He said mitigation of noise pollution is one of the primary issues Brisbane Airport will take into account during the development process, with the facility encouraged to collaborate with local groups on how to manage the problem.

By Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

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