‘Bright future’ ahead for Indigenous apprentice graduates

Seven Indigenous apprentices have taken the first step toward fulfilling their career goals, graduating from their apprenticeships in Townsville.

The apprentice graduates were presented with their certificates on July 15 by minister for human services Jan McLucas, who congratulated them on their achievements.

“Some have overcome big obstacles to graduate today so it is particularly pleasing to see them now as skilled staff members and valued colleagues,” Ms Lucas said.

She added that all the graduates had undertaken intensive internal training to perform the tasks of their specific roles, with all seven apprentices successfully completing a level three certificate in Business or Business Administration.

Visually-impaired graduate and single mother Patricia Songoro said the apprenticeship helped her to get closer to the goals in her life.

“I highly recommend an apprenticeship with the Department Human Services to other Indigenous applicants, as this a great career opportunity to work in the public service while furthering your education through study.”

An additional ten Indigenous apprentices will take on new positions in Service Centres located across Northern Queensland, Ms Lucas announced.

“The new intake of apprentices will be mentored in a range of customer services roles over a 12 month program which will provide them with the right skills and knowledge to commence a career in the Australian Public Service.”

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