Boosting your social media presence for job hunting success

These days it seems like everyone is on social media in some form or another. Whether you have a Facebook profile, a Twitter account or a Pinterest blog, it’s almost certain that you will have some sort of online presence.

But did you know that your social media accounts can also play an important role in ensuring that you snare those important employment or adult apprenticeship positions?

Here are a couple of ways in which you can improve your social media presence in order to position yourself for job hunting success!

Get on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is growing as an important tool for job seekers, and can serve as your online CV of sorts.

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is professional and up-to-date, and don’t be afraid to send out connection requests to people that you know who might be able to find you a job opportunity.

Be professional or private

Is your public Facebook profile filled with pictures of last weekend’s party? Then it might be time to think about who could be viewing your profile on a daily basis.

It’s a good idea to remove any photos or statuses which might make you look unprofessional, or at the very least, to make these private and viewable only to your network of friends.

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