Bianca is no stranger to work that requires physical labour, having already worked on a cattle station she was already strong and fit enough to keep up with the demands of long hours in a physical role.
Deciding she wanted to pursue a career in engineering as a boilermaker, she approached Savannah Steel, a steel fabrication workshop that supplies steel to most of North Queensland. According to the owner of Savannah, Rodney, they weren’t really looking for an apprentice at the time but, as Rodney put it, “Bianca really sold her case well – so we gave her a go.”
Bianca was thrilled and has really proven herself in the role, fitting in with the other apprentices and tradespeople, and learning valuable skills in the trade.
“Working at Savannah is awesome! I work with great people and it’s a great company. BUSY was so caring, supportive, and welcoming. I would encourage other women to complete a trade like this because we need more women in the trade to show that we can do it just as much as the boys!
“Starting an apprenticeship like this, I’ve met so many great people and it’s the start of a really great career.”
Jo Lilley, Regional Manager for North Queensland at BUSY At Work, said, “The role that we play at BUSY At Work is very much a partnership with our employers. Our Field Officers on the ground are always working out ways they can support our employers and our apprentices to succeed, to progress through their work and training.
“It’s very important for employers to consider hiring female apprentices. They bring a diversity into the workplace and are fantastic team members across the board!”
Find out more about BUSY At Work’s support for women entering a non-traditional trade.

Bianca is undertaking an apprenticeship in boilermaking – and proving she’s a real asset in the workplace!