Approval granted to Bromelton State Development Area

The Queensland government has granted approval to the Bromelton State Development Area (SDA), which is designed to maximise the economic potential of the region.

It will be the only area used for industrial development in south-east Queensland that has direct access to a national standard gauge rail network.

A minimum of 1,800 hectares has been designated for industrial development, potentially creating opportunities for traineeships in Queensland as projects get underway.

Industries that are expected to use the space include medium and large-scale manufacturers, warehouse activities with road or rail requirements, industry support services and freight operations.

Planning minister Jeff Seeney explained: “Approval of the Development Scheme for the Bromelton SDA allows development proponents to lodge applications for material change of use with the coordinator-general.”

This follows the news that amendments had been made to the New Acland Expansion project after concerns had been raised over the first draft.

New Hope Coal has decided to put forward plans for the small-scale expansion of its mine in the Darling Downs, which should have less of an impact on the people who live nearby.

Mr Seeney acknowledged that the project has the potential to bring jobs and economic value to the region, but said there are still likely to be concerns over the finer details.

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