School-based Apprenticeships

School-based Apprenticeships

School-based Apprenticeships

Still in school but want to get ahead?

If you’re still in school but looking to get a head start, check out school-based apprenticeships or traineeships. You can work towards finishing school and kick start your career by working (approximately) one day a week – and get paid for doing so! This also forms part of your school curriculum or QCE.

By the time you graduate high school (on average) you’ll have completed up to 30% of your apprenticeship or traineeship, and more often than not these are converted into a full time gig. Either way, you gain work experience, work references and connections to employers – all before leaving school.

There are hundreds of qualifications that you can do through a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship so you’re bound to find one that you love. We work with you, your school and your parents to ensure we’re all on the same page and you get the best head start you can.

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Guide to school-based apprenticeships or traineeships

Whether you want to enter employment right after finishing secondary learning or go on to further study at Uni, a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship allows you to develop the skills and knowledge employers and tertiary institutions are looking for.

You can be a paid employee and obtain a recognised qualification, all while you’re still completing your secondary studies. With more than 600 apprenticeship or traineeship qualifications available, you’re bound to find a course that would suit your needs, interests and aspirations for your career.

With this type of work/learning environment, there is a natural progression towards broadening your horizons and giving yourself a head start before you have even finished formal education. Not only do you get the benefit of getting a head start towards your chosen career, but you’re also earning a wage that is setting you up for your future.


Balancing your workload with a school-based apprenticeship

To undertake this type of opportunity, you need to balance your time between formal learning and being on the job one day a week. The great news is your one day a week at work becomes part of your school curriculum and provides points towards your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). Your educational institution will assist you, along with your parents, your employer and your provider, to ensure success.

These opportunities are generally for students in Years 10, 11 or 12, where you already have a heavy workload, so balancing it all with the assistance of those around you will be another step towards your future.


Frequently Asked Questions

Each State Government abbreviates and refers to this type of work/learning opportunity slightly differently. You may know it as:

As an Australian Apprenticeship Support Services Provider, BUSY At Work can assist Queensland students and, through our partner CoAct operating as The Apprenticeship Community, we can also assist students in Western Australia.

Our Apprenticeship Field Officers should have regular contact with your Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) or Careers Advisor within your school. They will advise participants of local employers who want to add value to their business using students in their region.


With a Queensland school-based traineeship or apprenticeship, you will gain a plethora of sustainable knowledge and skills that will:

  • Obtain a pathway from formal learning to being on the job
  • Gain the edge you need to get started in your career
  • Obtain real-world skills and knowledge
  • Combine practical paid endeavours with instruction
  • Earn an income while you learn
  • Build your confidence and communication skills
  • Take a stepping stone to higher education
  • End up with a nationally recognised qualification
  • Achieve credits towards your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

Before you start your school-based apprenticeship or traineeship, there are a few things to consider first:

  • Does it fit ‘your plan’? This opportunity may only give you access to a maximum of two government-funded contributions. Students (and their parents or guardians) must consider if the SAT is appropriate and relates to the student’s future chosen career.
  • Do you have support from your learning institution? Discuss how this type of traineeship may assist with Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) points and underpin tertiary study.
  • Will you have a work/education/training/life balance? Develop strategies to balance the additional load of your studies and on the job duties.
  • Have you got transportation options? Employment hours may be different, do you still have reliable transport to and from work?

Some students complete their traineeship while at school. However, some will complete their formal education without completing their other requirements. To complete your qualification, you’ll need to convert your job arrangements to either a full-time or a part-time level in consultation with your place of employment.


Find out more about school-based apprenticeships by watching the video below.

Contact us today to discuss your needs

Search for a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship opportunity
We regularly update our Apprenticeship Central websitewith relevant opportunities throughout Australia; you will find plenty available. You can also discuss options with your Industry Liaison Officer (ILO).
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