Are you wanting to start an apprenticeship or traineeship?
BUSY At Work is a long-serving Australian Apprenticeship Support Services provider and we aim to make the process of starting an apprenticeship or traineeship as easy as possible.
If you want to know what to expect when commencing an apprenticeship or traineeship in the workplace, we’ve got you covered. Our team will be there to support you during the sign up and explain everything to you, including assisting you to find the right qualification for your role and career pathway.
Our Induction Guide for Apprentices includes everything you need to know about becoming an Apprentice or Trainee and includes a step-by-step guide, frequently asked questions and much more.
Induction Guide for apprentices & trainees
An apprenticeship or traineeship can be an exciting career pathway choice! There are literally hundreds of career paths to choose from including construction, business, agriculture, fashion, design, animal care – and many more!