Apprentice Training Support Payment

Apprentice Training Support Payment

The Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment is available to eligible apprentices commencing from 1 July 2022 in Priority Occupations listed on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List.

Australian Apprentices training in Priority Occupations can receive assistance of up to $5,000, to ensure they are supported to complete their training. The Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment is paid in four six monthly payments over the first two years as per the following schedule and rate:

Eligibility Requirements

For an Australian Apprentice to be eligible for the Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment: all primary eligibility requirements must be met; and

  • the Australian Apprentice must have commenced or recommenced their Australian Apprenticeship; and
    • the Australian Apprentice must, at the date of commencement or recommencement, be undertaking a qualification at the Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level listed on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List; and
    • the Australian Apprentice must be in-training with their employer on the claim period end date.

In addition to the above requirements, the Australian Apprentice must not be in receipt of the New Energy Apprentice Support Payment.

ADMS and Claiming Apprentice Support Payments

From 1 January 2023, eligible apprentices will need to claim through the Apprenticeship Data Management System (ADMS).

ADMS is a modern, reliable and secure platform supporting the delivery of the Australian Apprenticeship programs. The system supports the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive system and was implemented in April 2022.

The system is used by Network Providers, State Training Authorities, Government Stakeholders, Employers and Apprentices where the individual logon experience is through the application of their myGovID digital identity.

ADMS is utilised for the management of Training Contract creation and data, Employer and Apprentice Profiles, assessing eligibility of incentives, reporting and claim generation.

Helpful Information for setting up your access to ADMS:

How to claim your Apprentice Training Support Payment:

Find out more: ADMS Information Sheet for Apprentices (PDF).

How to confirm your identity in ADMS (PDF).

Troubleshooting identity confirmation (PDF).

Visit Australian Apprenticeships to determine eligibility to apply for the Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment or contact BUSY At Work today to discuss.

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