Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans
If you are about to undertake or are undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship, an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan (formerly known as the Trade Support Loan) can help you pay for your everyday living expenses. For instance, you may need extra help to pay rent or bills. You may need tools for your trade or need a car or ute to help you get to work.
An Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan is an interest-free government funded loan that is paid in monthly instalments for up to six months at a time. Your debt is indexed annually and you will get a 20 per cent discount on your debt when you have successfully completed your apprenticeship.
Are you eligible?
Eligibility criteria for an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan includes:
- you are an Australian citizen residing in Australia or a holder of a permanent visa;
- you are an Australian Apprentice working in priority occupations, including those in the non-trade occupations;
- at level 3 (Certificate III), level 4 (Certificate IV), level 5 (Diploma) or level 6 (Advanced Diploma) in the Australian Qualifications Framework; that us included on the National Register (; and
- leading to an occupation specified on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List (PDF).
Full-time, part-time and school-based apprentices and trainees can access the loan.
How much can I borrow?
You decide how much money you borrow with an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan. You could borrow just a small amount over a few months or receive payments over the four years of your apprenticeship, up to the lifetime limit of $25,374.
An Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan payment is made to you monthly up to these amounts, depending on your loan amount:
- $845.80 per month in year one of your apprenticeship;
- $634.35 per month in year two of your apprenticeship;
- $422.90 per month in year three of your apprenticeship;
- $211.45 per month in year four of your apprenticeship.
The loan amounts are higher in the early years of training to compensate for your lower wages.
Payments are made in monthly instalments in arrears and Australian Apprentices apply and may then opt in every six months for a further six instalments.
What can I spend the loan on?
It’s your loan so you choose how to spend the money. You could use the loan to cover living expenses, buy work equipment like tools or boots, or save your payments to buy a car. Whatever you do, remember you will have to pay the money back.
How do I pay the loan back?
You will start repaying your Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan once you have reached the compulsory repayment threshold of $54,435 (2024-25). Repayments are made through the income tax system (like a university HELP loan).
If you would like to pay back your loan earlier, you will need to contact the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
How do I get an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan?
To find out more about an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan, talk to BUSY At Work or your local field consultant who signed you up to your apprenticeship.
BUSY At Work will take you (and your parent or guardian, if you’re under 18) through the loan program in detail, including identification and residency documentation that is required to accompany your application.
How to opt-in for an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan through ADMS
The Federal Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has announced that the process to Opt-In for continued Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan (AASL) Formerly known as Trade Support Loan (TSL) instalments is changing.
From March 2024 your Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan Opt-In forms will be available for completion in the Federal Government System called Apprenticeships Data Management System or ADMS for short.
If you have accessed the AASL you will receive an Opt-In process that will need actioning if you would like to continue to access these payments. You will receive a system generated notification from ADMS when you have an Opt-In form awaiting completion.
If you have not yet accessed ADMS you will need to connect to the system utilising your MyGov, through the below instructions you will find some helpful instructions on how to access the system. To access ADMS you will need your USI or your apprentice ID.
More information can be found at the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations: Guide to Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans.
Further information
Download the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans Fact Sheet (PDF).
Download the How to Apply for An Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan (PDF).
Download the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans TFN info (PDF).
Download the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans info for Guardians and Parents (PDF).
Download the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans – Review Your Rights (PDF).
Download the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans – Change of Circumstances (PDF).
Download the How to Complete the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan Opt-In Applications (PDF)
Download How to Opt out of an Australian Apprenticeships Support Loan (PDF).
Find a qualification approved on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List (PDF)