Particularly in your first years as an apprentice, you may not be earning a great deal. Hang in there because it’s definitely worth it to continue and gain the rewards that completing your qualification, gaining valuable experience in the workplace and in your industry that an apprenticeship or traineeship can provide.
To support you, a range of financial and other support is available to apprentices and trainees to assist you to successfully complete your training and contribute in the workplace. These include:
Apprentice Training Support Payment
The Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment is available to eligible apprentices commencing from 1 July 2022 in Priority Occupations listed on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List.
Australian Apprentices training in Priority Occupations can receive assistance of up to $5,000, to ensure they are supported to complete their training. The Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment is paid in four six monthly payments over the first two years.
Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans (AASL)
If you are about to undertake or are undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship, an Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan (AASL), formerly known as the Trade Support Loan, can help you pay for your everyday living expenses. For instance, you may need extra help to pay rent or bills. You may need tools for your trade or need a car or ute to help you get to work.
An Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan is an interest-free government funded loan that is paid in monthly instalments for up to six months at a time. Your debt is indexed annually and you will get a 20 per cent discount on your debt when you have successfully completed your apprenticeship.
New Energy Apprentice Support Payment
From 1st January 2023: New Energy Apprentice Support payment
The New Energy Apprentice Support Payment is designed to encourage apprentices to choose clean energy careers, improve retention rates and deliver more successful completions by providing direct financial support to Australian Apprentices commencing an Australian Apprenticeship in a clean energy occupation.
Living Away from Home Allowance
Apprentices/Trainees undertaking a Certificate II or higher level qualification may be eligible for Living Away From Home Allowance if they have to move away from their parental/guardian home for the first time to commence or remain in an Australian Apprenticeship, or are homeless.
Travel and Accommodation Subsidy
Funded by State Government, apprentices and trainees may be eligible for a travel and accommodation subsidy if you are required to travel over a certain number of km’s to attend training.