Apprenticeships in Queensland’s priority skills sectors

Minister for Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek received the first industry report on skills needs in Queensland on March 31, following months of consultation and review by the Ministerial Industry Commission.

The commission was asked to compile the Annual Skills Priority Report after the government identified a need for a more strategic and developed approach to skills investment. The document outlines key trends across the Queensland economy, identifying the occupations in high demand and the skills required to fill them.

Mr Langbroek believes the new review-based system will help encourage “enhanced productivity, participation and consequently, economic growth”.

Allowing the Ministerial Industry Commission to compile a report on the specific industries facing skills shortages enables the government to focus funding and investment on courses and training opportunities that can best support future needs.

“We’re not interested in whether or not people have certificates or diplomas if they don’t have jobs,” Mr Langbroek said.

“That’s why we want to make sure training meets demands in the marketplace, in order to grow a four pillar economy and reduce the state’s unemployment.”

The commission’s report found a number of development priorities that need to be addressed in this new system. These include:

  • Skills shortages have been noted in a number of industries, including mining, construction and utilities.
  • Registered training organisation (RTOs) need to collaborate with employers across every industry.
  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme and other policy changes are increasing demand for skilled workers in the aged care and disability services industries.

Additionally, the commission identified keeping pace with innovation and digital change to be a key challenge for both employers and RTOs. This means training opportunities need to be adaptable and up-to-date with industry advances.

Commission Chair and Assistant Minister for Technical and Further Education Saxon Rice explained the report would be an annual investment, delivered for budget consideration each year.

“This annual cycle involves evaluating economic and industry trends, asking industry across the state for feedback on this analysis and tailoring government investment to best suit the needs of the economy,” she said.

“Over the course of its work, the Commission will undertake more analysis and modelling in relation to supply in order to provide a greater depth of recommendation regarding skills priorities.”

Employers are also encouraged to read the report, in order to understand where the Queensland government will be investing training and apprenticeships funding this year.

By Leanne de Toerkenczy, Public Relations Coordinator

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