Apprenticeships in Ipswich promoted at school careers expo

apprenticeships in Ipswich are being highlighted as an opportunity for students who attended a careers expo at Redbank Plains High School.

The exhibition was held ahead of the summer break for pupils from Year 8 upwards, with the school’s Choices not Chances co-ordinator Mike Winton telling the Queensland Times it will give them some food for thought over the holidays.

He said: “The expo was organised to get the students thinking a bit about what they want to do when they finish school, or while they’re still at school.”

Various industry groups were in attendance, such as McDonalds, the Australian Defence Force and the Queensland Trucking Association, alongside training organisations, tertiary education institutions and agencies linked with apprenticeships in Queensland.

Mr Winton said the event was in conjunction with other activities the school offers, including help with CVs and getting students in touch with part-time employers.

While expos of this kind are usually reserved for Year 10s and over at the school, teachers decided to extend it to Year 8 and 9 students.

According to Mr Winton, a Genr8 youth engagement program was also available for Year 12s in an effort to encourage people to enter the transport and logistics industry, with some of the pupils having now already secured full-time work.

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