Apprenticeship Central your one stop free job matching site

Apprenticeship Central Website Link

BUSY At Work’s Apprenticeship Central website truly is your one stop free job matching site. It is the only job search site in Australia dedicated to promoting apprenticeships and traineeships as a career path.

The site allows users to not only search but match jobseekers with employers, and employers with jobseekers.

BUSY At Work CEO Paul Miles said BUSY was pleased to provide this key resource to assist in establishing career pathways.

“There’s a wealth of information and resources for both employers and jobseekers on the site so that they can make meaningful decisions on apprenticeship or traineeship suitability.

Employers can easily find suitable jobseekers registered on the website by searching through the profiles allowing them to handpick applicants they believe will be the best fit for their business.

There is also information about the apprenticeship process and what is expected from all parties involved. It is easy to search for your ideal candidates and registration is free.

Apprenticeship Central is free to use and can also be a great recruitment tool for all Australian Apprenticeships Centres (AAC), Group Training Organisations (GTO), Registered Training Organisations (RTO), Job Services Australia (JSA) and other industry bodies.

The site can automatically help create the jobseekers’ resume or they can upload their own. There’s also hints and tips for an apprentice or trainee and building a profile is easy using the various templates available.

Jobseekers looking to start an apprenticeship can browse through the different apprenticeship or traineeship jobs advertised and apply directly to the employer at the click of a button.

To better match applicants’ interests with career pathways, BUSY At Work’s Apprenticeship Central website also has a powerful program called the Harrison Online Career Assessment.

The program takes candidates answers and compares them to 175 work related traits that align to hundreds of job titles, including over 800 careers in universities and Australian apprenticeships and traineeships. To date more than 1,500 participants have completed the assessment.

Mr Miles said the program was a great way for applicants to find their true career path.

“Many people struggle to find their ideal career. The greatest challenge faced by employers and jobseekers is finding the right fit. The Harrison Online Career Assessment program is a great tool to boost the confidence of applicants by helping them find career options that fit their interests and aptitude,” Mr Miles said.

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MEDIA CONTACT: Leanne Macnamara, Public Relations Coordinator

0438 173 960

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