About BUSY

About BUSY

About BUSY

Our Commitment

We want to place the right people in the right roles. It’s as simple as that. We will work not just for you, but with you.

We will provide you with a customised solution that suits your needs. We will ask you what matters to you and your organisation. We will confirm skills and qualifications with our candidates and we will ask them what matters to them and where they want to go with their individual career goals.

As a not-for-profit organisation, profits from The BUSY Group’s services directly support community initiatives.

These initiatives comprise of various special projects which aim to support socially disadvantaged individuals overcome barriers in engaging with the community, gaining training opportunities and eventually taking the step to gaining employment.


Our History

The BUSY Group was first established in 1977 with the simple aim to deliver training and employment programs to homeless youth on the Gold Coast.

BUSY is actually an acronym that stands for Backing Unemployed Southport Youth. It was founded by our Chair Martin Punch who set out to deliver this aim by obtaining funding from the Australian Government to run a community youth support program.

A little over twenty years later in 1998, BUSY successfully tendered for the Australian Government’s Apprenticeships Support Services and from then on became known as BUSY At Work. BUSY At Work has remained a not-for-profit association with the same values that have guided our decisions and our behaviour for over 40 years. Over this time, we have provided Apprenticeship Support Services to more than 60,000 businesses across Queensland and we are the longest serving provider of Apprenticeship Support Services in the state. Partnering with community organisations to form The Apprenticeship Community in 2019, we also deliver Apprenticeship Support Services in Western Australia and Torres Strait Islands.

In 2017, BUSY At Work merged with ON-Q Disability Services (now known as BUSY Ability). BUSY Ability have been supporting people with a disability for over 30 years and are a registered NDIS provider. The experience and knowledge within the disability employment sector is an invaluable asset for The BUSY Group, supporting us to empower and place more people into jobs across a larger footprint, across Northern NSW and Queensland.

In 2019, Skill360 became a part of The BUSY Group. Skill360 is based in Cairns and Brisbane and offers apprenticeship management services through their Group Training Organisation, vocational training through their Registered Training Organisation, and a range of recruitment and employment programs connecting jobseekers and businesses in Queensland.

Also in 2019, The BUSY Group opened our first BUSY Schools campus in Cairns, to support senior high school students to reengage with education, complete their QCE and find a career pathway. With the success of our first campus, in 2021 we opened a second campus in Shailer Park and a third campus in Salisbury, Queensland. In 2022, we opened our fourth campus in Coolangatta. In 2023, we opened our Cleveland, Brisbane City and Southport campuses and in 2024, the Ipswich campus was opened, with plans to open further schools in Queensland later in the year. The BUSY Schools offer an alternative for Year 11 and 12 students who may be struggling with traditional education and we’ve already supported hundreds of students to reengage with their education, go onto further study or find a career path upon graduation.

In 2021, BUSY Health became an additional service offering for our valued clients. BUSY Health provides psychological and counselling support services for individuals, community organisations, schools and workplaces, with the aim of ensuring individuals are empowered for work or study, and teams experience wellbeing in their workplace or school.

In 2022, Registered Training Organisation, One Stop Training became a part of The BUSY Group. Based in South-East Queensland, One Stop Training delivers a range of accredited training, tickets and licences for the supply chain management, automotive and construction industries.

In 2023, Smart Apprenticeships Solutions, a Group Training Organisation, joined The BUSY Group, offering employers management services for the apprentices and trainees. 

We’re Continually Growing

The BUSY Group is a growing organisation that employs approximately 1,000 people and we’re consistently looking at ways to reinvest in initiatives to support communities with skills training and employment opportunities.

ISO Accreditation

ISO (International Organisation for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer and publisher of International Standards.

The BUSY Group is  is accredited with ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems) and ISO27001 (Information Security).

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