Transport corridors improving north of Brisbane

One of these has recently moved towards the construction stage – the Gateway Motorway upgrades in Nudgee. This project, funded by the Queensland and federal governments, has confirmed a contractor for the first stages of construction, which will involve undertaking earthworks in the region.

Full steam ahead for the Moreton Bay Rail Link

Construction on the rail link began earlier this year, with the project expected to be completed in 2016. In total, this initiative will cost $1.147 billion, with these expenses spread over the Queensland and federal governments.

How to find and take on an apprentice

If your business is considering taking on an apprentice, good job! Making the decision to train someone at the start of their career is the best way that you can help prepare Australia’s next generation of trades people.

Queensland leads the country in job creation

The state has recorded the highest employment growth rates in the country, with opportunities increasing considerably in the last year. The ABS figures showed that 65,000 jobs have been created in Queensland in the last year.

Schools central to future infrastructure

Because of this importance, schools will be vital to the ongoing success of Queensland’s economy. To meet predicted demand, the state government has recently rolled out plans for future schools, with around 100 needed by 2031.